Demonstration - Short Piano Score
In this demonstration, I enter the first two bars (plus pickup) of a simple piano arrangement. Two bars may not seem like much, but even in this short example, you get to see notes, rests, chords, accidentals, ties, triplets, multiple voices, and beam properties - and that's just talking about note input! As a bonus, I then go ahead and enter the slurs, tempo marking, dynamics, chord symbols, pedal markings, double bar, change the display of the time signature, and make some manual adjustments to some of these elements using keyboard shortcuts as well as the Inspector. I also change the default position of the chord symbols using style settings. Along the way you also get to see how I set up the score with the pickup measure and a few different ways of making selections. All of these topics will be covered in more detail in the following sections, but this should give you a good taste of what to expect.
That's quite a workout in only two measures! Ready? Here we go! When you're done watching the demonstration, scroll down to see and hear the results.
Here is the completed score. Sharp-eyed students will notice I overlooked one detail during the demonstration that I have since corrected. Bonus points for the first person to tell me what I added, and how I added it :-). Hint: it's something you'll learn about in the section entitled "Other Music Symbols"...
For MuseScore 3, the Style dialog has moved to the Format menu, and you can also use the "Set as style" buttons (labeled with an "S") in the Inspector to customize many style settings such as default chord symbol position.
The tempo shortcut has changed to Alt+Shift+T now that Alt+T is reserved for the new Tools menu.