Before You Go On...

Hey, just a quick note before you head into these next three lessons. These are among the most "heavy-duty" of the course, and there is a lot going on here that really takes practice. So I recommend taking it slow and working on them one at a time. Make three additional copies of your song as it stands right now (with basic harmonization and ii-V's, with chorale voicing). Use one of the new copies in your practice for the next lesson (Tonicization), then start over with the second new copy in your practice for the lesson after that (Cadences), and then start over again with the third new copy in your practice for the lesson after that (Other Idioms).

Once you've worked through these lessons separately, you can then return to your original copy and see how you want to combine everything you've learned to create the version of the song you'll carry forward. And it is fine if you wish to keep refining your chord progression over the coming weeks as well.

Complete and Continue